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Ametheia Zephyr


Full Name - Ametheia Zephyr

Chosen Name - Ametheia 

Age - 325
Appearing Age - 25


Height - 5'7
Weight - 130lbs
Hair - Platinum white
Eyes -Blossom Pink
Skin - Light porcelain


Race - Elven with Draconic Blood
Gender - Female


Father - Emperor Adonis Zephyr (Deceased)
Mother - Empress Lyra Zephyr (Deceased)


Twin Brother: Emperor Daemon Zephyr

Legacy - None
Marital Status - Single


Titles - 

Healer to Royal Family of Aelin

Princess Of Drakoria

Distinguishable Traits- White like hair, subtle scar across her neck, ears are uniquely shaped and tinged crimson at the tips from her draconic bloodline.


Voice- British accent


-Healing Hands-

Amatheia's touch possesses an innate healing energy. Whether tending to battlefield wounds or soothing the pains of everyday life, her hands emit a comforting warmth that accelerates the healing of physical and emotional wounds.

-Revitalizing Elixirs-

A skilled alchemist, Amatheia concocts potent elixirs that boost vitality and resilience. Her brews are renowned for their efficacy, and she often shares her knowledge with aspiring healers.


-Warding Spells-

Amatheia employs enchantments to create protective wards that shield individuals or entire areas. These wards serve as a sanctuary, deflecting malevolent forces and safeguarding the vulnerable.

-Illusory Distractions-

In the midst of conflicts, Amatheia weaves illusions to divert attention and create openings for strategic retreats or counterattacks. Her illusions are not only tactical but also possess a mesmerizing beauty.


-Drain on Personal Energy-

The exertion of healing magic can be draining on Amatheia's personal energy. Healing severe injuries or dealing with widespread ailments requires substantial effort, leaving her fatigued and vulnerable afterward.

-Uncontrolled Draconic Influence-

The draconic blood in Amatheia carries immense power, but there's a fear of losing control over these abilities. The potential for unintended consequences or the fear of being consumed by draconic instincts is a constant concern.

In the Beginning...

Amethiea had always been a curious girl. From a young age, her curious nature set her apart. Born into the royal family of Drakoria, she was the daughter of the Emperor and Empress, who would do anything for their two children. Amethiea and her twin brother, Daemon, shared an unbreakable bond, having been inseparable even in the womb.


As Amethiea reached her teenage years, her curiosity grew. She longed to explore beyond the palace walls and begged her parents to let her study abroad. The Emperor and Empress agreed on one condition, she promised to return home before Haimanyx and honor her arranged marriage to Prince Kael Arelia of Eretia. This marriage was meant to form a pure union to benefit Drakoria. It was crucial for maintaining the ward that protected Drakoria from the Shadowlands. The pure bloodlines of the royal houses were key to sustaining this barrier, ensuring the kingdom's safety and prosperity.


Haimanyx is a sacrificial festival held every year to honor the royal bloodlines. During the ceremony, each soul bound couple sips from a cup filled with the blood of a sacrificed dragon before slitting their palms and offering their blood to the Guardian Gems. Royal marriages often occur on this night because the power of their tied blood is much stronger after the initial union. The purity of the female participating in this ritual is of utmost importance, as it ensures her womb remains clean for the blood of the next lineage.

The Return

Ametheia returned home after ten years of studying abroad, having traveled widely, learned new languages, trained in combat, and honed her gift for healing magic. Her professors praised her as a prodigy. Upon her return, she reunited with her brother and parents, fully aware of the role she now had to play for the good of their people. Since her brother Daemon had not yet been crowned Emperor, Ametheia was next in line to feed the ward's power. The crowned prince Daemon had to wait until his coronation, offering blood twice. Once during his crowning and once during his own union. Daemon warned her about the Prince Kael of Eretia, telling her that he had grown cold and cruel these past few years. So, Ametheia prepared for the inevitable. Within the next week, she would lose her freedom and passion for healing, becoming the next Queen of Eretia.

The Crowned Prince of Eretia

It had been many years since she had seen her betrothed. He was undeniably handsome, with dark hair and cold, clear blue eyes that seemed to be made of steel. She couldn't complain about his appearance. In the week leading up to their wedding, Prince Kael stayed at the castle of Drakoria so they could become better acquainted. He took her on walks through the gardens and invited her to luncheons. Though they did not know each other well, he seemed kind enough. Ametheia realized that while this might not be the life she had dreamed of, it was one she could endure for the sake of her kingdom.

The Blood Night Wedding

The Rising Sun


Amethiea prepared in her chamber as her mother placed a pin in her silvery white hair, a family heirloom passed down for generations. Her dress was the purest white, and her chest felt tight with sorrow for the freedom she was about to lose. Her mother kissed her brow before leading her out of the room. It was tradition for all weddings to be held in the keep of Drakoria Castle at sunrise, secluded to only royal members of each house. The Emperor, Amethiea's father, walked her down the hall and handed her off to Prince Kael. As they said their vows and sealed their union with a band, Amethiea couldn't help but notice the dark clouds that seemed to fog the prince's blue eyes. Their union was briefly celebrated over breakfast before preparing for the sacred ritual.


The Sun meets the Moon


Haimanyx always mesmerizing event, located within the Upala Forest, where the guardian gems powered protective wards near the borders of Drakoria. Laughter, music, and drinks filled the air, celebrating the realm's safety and royal lineage. Ametheia sat atop a raised platform on a dias, her new husband noticeably distant, his features masked in ia cold expression to the festivities. As the night progressed, the time for the ritual arrived. Ametheia paled as they brought forth the sacrificial dragon, a runt from its litter. Its throat slit to fill a large cup with its blood. Its haunting cry echoed, and as the blood spilled, blue flames ignited. Townsfolk danced and praised the creature, marking the newlyweds in its blood before they shared a drink from the cup. The taste of sulfur and the grit of ash lingered in Ametheia's mouth.


The previous sacrifice concluded, and now it was time for the final ritual of the night, Ametheia's virtue. A special tent awaited the newlyweds within the circled guardian gems. According to tradition, they were to enter and consummate their union, then emerge to share their sacrifice by spilling their own blood onto the central guardian gem just outside the tent as the sun kissed the moon in an eclipse. But the ritual took a dark turn. As Ametheia laid back, exposed, prepared to fulfill her part, the prince, pulled a dagger to her throat. Its handle was etched with ancient runes, all happening too quickly for her to struggle as he slit her throat. Blood gushed as she choked in shock. Her vision blurred at the corners, witnessing the prince, as if possessed, turn the knife on himself. His blood spilled over her staining her white hair with red, his body collapsing and going limp upon hers. 


Panic surged as she struggled to scream, realizing his wound was not fatal. Desperately, she summoned her healing powers, focusing to save herself. Outside, screams pierced the air as her brother burst in. Wide eyed, he saw his twin fighting for her life. Placing his hands over hers, he channeled his own magic, to ensure her survival. She gasped, filling her lungs with air, as Daemon draped his cape over her and led her from the tent. Chaos erupted as soulstalkers breached the wards and began slaughtering innocents. How they breached the defenses remained a mystery. Daemon guided his sister through the chaos, racing past their mother's lifeless body, a slit to her throat. Ametheia stifled a heart wrenching scream, her eyes scanning for their father who battled to seal the breach in the ward. It would be later that Ametheia learned of his death that night, sacrificing everything to close the gap and protect their people.


Nightmares haunted Ametheia's memories, keeping her secluded from sunlight for weeks. She grew pale and the fear of being branded a traitorous murderer by the Eretians kept her indoors, especially after false rumors spread about the events of her wedding night. The House of Arelia, mourning their lost heir, refused to unite with the House of Zephyr. With her brother's coronation as the new Emperor, Ametheia knew it was time for her to leave. Trusting in her brother and the strength of the wards, she departed silently in the night, leaving only a letter upon his desk.


Following her brother's ascension, Ametheia wandered from empire to empire, relying on her healing abilities to sustain herself. Centuries slipped by until she stumbled upon Aelin, an Empire unfamiliar to her. Her reputation as a skilled healer preceded her, and she was warmly welcomed by the pregnant Empress, who was expecting twins and urgently required her assistance. So she did and Aelin, became a place that she would soon call home.

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